
What is the filling property of Jiangmen engineering plastics

2021-11-12 1488

What is the filling property of Jiangmen engineering plastics

In recent years, PC modified plastics have developed rapidly in China, and its industrial system is gradually established and improved. This is mainly due to the rapid development of domestic economy and the continuous promotion of replacing steel and wood with plastics. In addition, with the rapid development of the four modernizations of cars and the explosion of 5g market, it will also provide a strong driving force for the increased demand for PC modified plastics. Filler is an important auxiliary material in the plastic industry. At present, the filling modification of modified plastics has the following advantages:


First, the heat resistance of PC modified plastics has been improved. General engineering plastics have low heat resistance, and their long-term use temperature is only about 60 ℃, while most of the fillers are high-temperature resistant inorganic materials, so these fillers can greatly improve the heat resistance of plastics. For example, when PC is not filled, its thermal deformation temperature is about 110 ℃. When 30% talc powder is filled, the thermal deformation temperature of PC modified plastic can be increased to more than 130 ℃.

Second, the hardness of PC modified plastics has been improved. The rigidity of general plastics is poor. For example, the bending modulus of pure PC is about 1000MPa, which is far from satisfying the requirements of some parts. However, when 30% talc powder is added, the bending modulus can reach more than 2000mPa. It is clarified that talc powder has obvious reinforcing effect on PC modified plastics.

Third, reduce costs. Generally speaking, fillers are cheaper than resins. The cost of PC modified plastics can be greatly reduced by adding fillers, which has obvious economic benefits. This is also the primary reason for the popularity of plastic filling modification. In addition, some fillers have certain effects on plastics, endow plastics with some functions and improve the added value of plastics. For example, talc powder and calcium carbonate are added to PC to improve the anti-static function and printing function of PC modified plastics; The insulating function of plastics can be improved by adding hollow glass beads into plastics; The addition of metal particles in plastics can improve the thermal conductivity and conductivity of plastics.

Source: Jiangmen engineering plasticshttp://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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