
Application scope of Jiangmen engineering plastics

2020-11-04 1604

Application of engineering plastics

Engineering plastics has become a growing field in the world plastic industry. Its development not only supports the national pillar industry and modern high-tech industry, but also promotes the transformation of traditional industries and the adjustment of product structure.

Engineering plastics are increasingly used in the automotive field, mainly for bumper, fender, fuel tank, instrument panel and other interior trim, body panel, door, lamp cover, fuel pipe, radiator and engine related parts.

In the mechanical field, engineering plastics can be used for mechanical parts such as bearings, gears, lead screws, nuts and seals, and mechanical structural parts such as shells, cover plates, hand wheels, handles, fasteners and pipe joints.


In the field of electronic and electrical appliances, engineering plastics can be used for wire and cable coating, printed circuit board, insulating film and other insulating materials and electrical equipment structural parts.

In the field of household appliances, engineering plastics can be used in refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, televisions, electric fans, vacuum cleaners, electric irons, microwave ovens, electric rice cookers, radios, combined sound equipment and lighting appliances.

In the field of chemical industry, engineering plastics can be used in heat exchangers, chemical equipment linings and other chemical equipment, as well as pipes, pipe fittings, valves, pumps and other chemical pipelines.

Source: Jiangmen engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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