
What is a plastic card board

2020-07-01 1231

The plastic card board is also a plastic tray. It is made of thermoplastic such as PEPP and some additives to improve performance through injection molding, blow molding and other processes. With the continuous improvement of requirements for production conditions, storage conditions, process control and quality management, plastic pallets began to appear and soon occupied a place due to the insurmountable limitations of wooden pallets in terms of sanitary conditions and standard production. Widely used in machinery, electronics, food, medicine, clothing and other occupations.

Plastic tray

Compared with wooden pallet:


  1. The plastic card board is good in integrity, sanitary and clean, easy to wash and disinfect, and has the characteristics of light weight, no nails and thorns, acid and alkali resistance, no mildew, etc;

  2. Its service life is 5-7 times that of wooden pallet.

  3. The plastic card board meets the environmental protection requirements, and the waste disk materials can be recycled. Although the price of plastic pallet is relatively high, the cost accounting is lower than that of wooden pallet

Source: Jiangmen engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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