
Performance characteristics of Jiangmen engineering plastics ABS

2020-03-02 1290

Plastic ABS has excellent impact strength and can be used at extremely low temperatures. Excellent wear resistance, good dimensional stability and oil resistance- It can still show certain toughness at 40 ℃, and can be used in the temperature range of -40~100 ℃. It has good electrical insulation and is almost unaffected by temperature, humidity and frequency. It is not affected by water, inorganic salts, alkalis and various acids, but soluble in ketones, aldehydes and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Stress cracking will occur when corroded by glacial acetic acid and vegetable oil. ABS has poor weather resistance and is easy to degrade under the effect of ultraviolet light. PP plastic has high crystallinity and regular structure. The absolute value of mechanical properties of polypropylene is higher than that of polyethylene, but it belongs to a low variety. The tensile strength can only reach the level of 30 MPa or higher. Temperature and loading rate have great influence on the toughness of polypropylene. Polypropylene has excellent heat resistance. The product can be sterilized at a temperature above 100 ℃, and will not deform at 150 ℃ without external force. Excellent anti-corrosion effect. It has a high dielectric coefficient and can be used to manufacture heated electrical insulation products with the rise of temperature. Its breakdown voltage is also very high, suitable for electrical accessories. Good voltage and arc resistance, but high static electricity, easy to aging in contact with copper.


Source: Jiangmen engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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