
What are the differences between general engineering plastics and special engineering plastics

2019-01-23 1266

  1. Physical strength: general special engineering plastics have greater strength than general engineering plastics, and special engineering plastics also have higher strength without glass fiber modification.

  2. In terms of heat resistance: special engineering plastics have better heat resistance than general engineering plastics. For example, the thermal deformation temperature of PPS reaches 160 ℃, that is to say, the strength of PPS remains the same under the high temperature environment of 160 ℃, while the thermal deformation temperature of general engineering plastics is generally about 90~100 ℃.


  3. In terms of universality: general engineering plastics can be widely used in most fields because of their mature processing technology and low skill requirements, while special engineering plastics have strict processing conditions and narrow application fields for the time being.

This article is from Jiangmen Engineering Plastics:http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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