
Advantages and disadvantages of PBT engineering plastics

2021-08-20 1763

PBT plastic data function

1. advantages:

Excellent mechanical function, especially high rigidity and hardness

Good heat resistance, hot deformation temperature up to 180 ℃

Good appearance gloss function, especially suitable for spray free electronic and electrical products

Fast crystallization speed, good fluidity and excellent formability

Good thermal stability, especially low thermal expansion and scale shrinkage

Good chemical, solvent and weather resistance

High dielectric strength and good electrical function

Low hygroscopicity, little impact on Electrical and scale stability


2. defects:

The molecule contains ester bond, which will decompose under the action of strong acid, strong base and water vapor

The data is sensitive to the gap and brittle

Article source: PBT engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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