
Development prospect of Jiangmen engineering plastics

2020-11-19 1642

Engineering plastics refer to industrial plastics used as industrial parts or shell materials, which are excellent in strength, impact resistance, heat resistance, hardness and aging resistance. According to the analysis report on the prospect and investment planning of China' s engineering plastics professional shopping malls in 2017-2022, in the next decade, China will gradually change from a large manufacturing country to a strong manufacturing country, and the use of engineering plastics will increase day by day. Moreover, due to the pressure of capital, shopping malls are increasingly calling for the localization of data, which will bring unlimited business opportunities and broad application prospects to domestic suppliers, And promote the rapid development of engineering plastics profession.


A huge market demand also promotes the continuous progress of the profession. China' s engineering plastics profession, whether it is data equipment, processing and molding, or application market development, will enter a high-speed development stage.

Source: Jiangmen engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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