
What is the gap between domestic engineering plastics and imported engineering plastics

2019-10-18 1238

Engineering plastics is a general term of plastics with outstanding performance in all aspects. It can replace many traditional raw materials such as copper, steel, wood and so on as a new type of plastics.

Although China has mastered many production principles of engineering plastics, there is a large gap with foreign advanced technologies in terms of technical control, production equipment and development strength, so there will be some differences, even in quality, mainly as follows:

1. Quality gap: the quality of domestic engineering plastics is relatively poor, and there is no sense of quality of imported plastics;


2. Purity gap: purity has always been the weakness of domestic engineering plastics;

3. Production technology gap: due to the lack of technological breakthrough in China, the production technology is relatively backward and the uniformity of product quality is poor;

Of course, domestic engineering plastics are also catching up. I believe that in the near future, after facing up to our shortcomings, China' s engineering plastics will have considerable progress and great development.

Source: Jiangmen engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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