
What are the advantages and characteristics of building plastic formwork

2019-09-27 1151

The building plastic formwork adopts polypropylene, PPE as the framework, and alloy as the appearance. The template overcomes the commonness of plastics and reduces the cost. The appearance of plastic formwork is also the policy that the corresponding countries have repeatedly issued documents to vigorously develop green and environmentally friendly building materials.

1) the formwork is easy to process and can be freely connected and combined horizontally and vertically.

2) the formwork has light weight and is easy to transport. The formwork can be assembled in place at one time, saving labor.

3) the formwork has smooth and flat surface, high strength and good wear resistance.

4) good corrosion resistance, no deformation and mildew when touching the water environment for a long time.

5) there are many turnover times, which can reach about 50 times.

6) it is non-toxic and pollution-free, and the waste can be recycled, energy saving and environmental protection.


Source: Jiangmen engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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