
Why engineering plastics can replace metal materials

2019-08-30 1126

Engineering plastics is a rising star in the big family of plastics. They not only retain a series of excellent characteristics of ordinary plastics, but also are much higher than the heat resistance (generally, they can work for a long time at a high temperature above 100 ℃ ~ 200 ℃) and mechanical strength of ordinary thermoplastics. Therefore, they can replace metals as engineering data (or structural data) in many application fields.

With the development of society and science and technology, we have put forward higher requirements for industrial equipment and cars: light, energy-saving, beautiful, safe, environmental protection, etc. Plastic products, with good functions, low prices and simple processing technology, have gained more and more significant advantages in PK with metal materials.


Taking cars as an example, the extensive use of plastic products in the car industry to replace all kinds of precious non-ferrous metals and alloy materials not only improves the beauty of the car shape and the flexibility of planning, reduces the cost of parts processing, assembly and repair, but also reduces the energy consumption of cars.

General motors of the United States has done a test. In the manufacturing process of a car equipment, it needs 38 metal parts, with a cost of up to $75. Similarly, if it is made of engineering plastics and all parts are integrated into one part, the cost is only $30, the assembly time is shortened by 55%, and the qualified production rate is as high as 99%. This is due to the fact that the production process of engineering plastics can integrate parts, have low secondary processing cost, shorten the planning cycle, have good quality and high productivity.

Source: Jiangmen engineering plastics http://www.yyyxsy.cn/

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